(a)   (1)   No domestic, commercial or any other person shall use water supplied by the Village to sprinkle, saturate water or wet their lawn or grass except in accordance with the conditions established in subsection (a)(2) hereof. “Lawn” or “grass” includes grass, ivy, or any other form of ground cover, but shall not be construed to include gardens, shrubs, trees and flowers.
      (2)   Lawn sprinkling shall be permitted in compliance with the following schedule:
Tuesday thru Sunday: Lawn sprinkling permitted for all users except during the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. At all other times, sprinkling is permitted. No lawn sprinkling is permitted at any time on Mondays.
      (3)   Any person in violation of the prohibition in subsection (a) hereof is guilty of a fourth degree misdemeanor. Violations of this subsection may result in termination of water service.
   (b)   The Manager of the Division of Water is hereby authorized to declare a water emergency at any time there is insufficient or inadequate water supply or pressure to provide safe and adequate water within the Village. Examples of situations which create such an emergency include, but are not limited to the following:
      (1)   Water main breaks;
      (2)   Any physical or mechanical failure at the Water Treatment Plant;
      (3)   Dry or drought conditions; or
      (4)   Restriction of water supply by state of federal authorities.
   (c)   During a water emergency, nonessential users of water may be restricted and include but are not limited to the following:
      (1)   Watering lawns;
      (2)   Other unattended water usage;
      (3)   Watering of trees, shrubbery, flowers and small vegetable gardens (hand watering only).
   (d)   Upon declaration of land during the existence of a water emergency, the Manager of the Division of Water is hereby authorized and directed to determine which nonessential uses of water shall be restricted or prohibited. Such declaration shall be made public by publication therein in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village, by posting notice at the Municipal Building and by giving notice to the local media.
   (e)   No domestic or commercial users or any other person shall violate any emergency restriction or prohibition imposed pursuant to this section.
(Ord. 35-06. Passed 5-1-06.)