A stormwater management service charge is imposed on each improved lot and/or parcel of land within the Village, and the owner thereof, excepting only streets, boulevards, curbing, street crossings, grade separations, and other public ways and easements, and highway structures belonging to the Village, state and federal government. If individual adjacent lot(s) or parcel(s) are all owned by the same owner, they shall be considered to be a single parcel for determination of service charges.
   (a)   Public road and freeway rights-of-way shall be exempt from the stormwater manage-ment service charge because they function as part of the stormwater collection and conveyance system. Private rights-of-way will be charged as described herein.
   (b)   Properties that have existing stormwater detention facilities, or those planning such facilities, may have their stormwater management service charges reduced as determined by the Utility, in accordance with generally accepted engineering standards and practices to more accurately reflect the contribution to runoff from the property and the level of service provided to such property. The detention facilities must be in accord with the hydrologic, hydraulic, and structural design requirements of the rules and regulations. Facilities of a temporary nature will not be allowed a decrease in their charges.
   (c)   The Utility may reduce or waive requirements for an individual detention/retention basin if a common or regional basin of adequate design is available or if the Utility is reasonably certain one will be constructed and if the major drainage system from the project area to such common or regional basin is such that the public health, safety and welfare will not be in jeopardy.
   The stormwater management service charge is based on the usage of the stormwater system by each customer. It is predicated on the calculations listed below. These costs are a function of stormwater system usage (or impervious area).
(Ord. 31-10. Passed 8-16-10.)