(a)   Districts and Boundaries Established. The several districts and boundaries thereof are hereby adopted and established as shown on the Zoning Map, which map, together with all notations, references, data, district boundaries, and other information shown thereon, are hereby made a part of this Zoning Code. Such Zoning Map, properly attested, shall remain on file in the Municipal Hall. Such Zoning Map may be amended in accordance with this Zoning Code.
   (b)   District Boundaries. Except when referenced on such Map to a street or alley or other designated line by dimensions shown on such Map, the district boundary lines follow property lot lines, the centerlines of watercourses, or the centerlines of rights-of-way, both streets and alleys, as they existed at the time of the adoption of this Zoning Code.
   (c)   Uncertainty as to Boundaries or Textual Provisions; Interpretation. All questions concerning the exact location of district boundary lines shall be determined by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. Appeals of said determination shall be made as provided under Section 1139.05
(Ord. 41-01. Passed 8-20-01.)