6.04 Finance Director.
   (A)   The Department of Finance shall be headed by the Director of Finance, who shall be appointed by the Mayor to serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and may be removed by the Mayor without cause.
   (B)   The Director of Finance shall be qualified by training or experience to carry out the power, duties and functions of the office. The Mayor shall be the sole judge of the qualifications of the Director of Finance. The Director of Finance need not be an elector or resident of the Municipality. The Director of Finance shall not hold any other public office, unless authorized by Council, except he or she may hold office in a political party or be a delegate to a political party convention, serve as a notary public, serve as a member or officer in the military reserve or national guard, serve in any office, position or capacity to further intergovernmental cooperation, and may hold any office permitted by this Charter and the laws of Ohio.
   (C)   The Director of Finance shall be the chief fiscal officer of the Municipality and shall perform the powers, duties and functions now or hereafter given to City Auditors and Treasurers under the general laws of Ohio to the extent those laws are not in conflict with this Charter. The Director of Finance, in addition to the powers, duties and functions prescribed by this Charter, shall have other powers, duties and functions as required by ordinance or resolution, or as directed by the Mayor. The Director of Finance shall keep the financial records of Canal Winchester, establish the accounting system, financial records and reports used by the offices, departments, divisions, bureaus, boards and commissions of Canal Winchester; assist the Mayor in the preparation and submission of appropriation measures, estimates, budgets, capital programs and other financial matters; provide full and complete information concerning the financial affairs and status of Canal Winchester as requested by the Mayor or Council; and provide full and complete information and assistance concerning the finances or accounting systems or records of any office, department, division, bureau, board or commission of Canal Winchester as requested by the Mayor or Council.