7.07 Organization, Vacancies
(A)    Unless otherwise provided in this Charter, each of the City's boards and commissions whether created by this Charter or by ordinance or resolution, shall:
   1.   Organize at its first meeting each year by electing a chairman, vice chairman and secretary. The chairman and vice chairman shall be members of the board or commission and the secretary may be elected from within or without the membership of the board or commission. The secretary shall keep an accurate and complete record of the proceedings of the board or commission and shall file a copy of its proceedings with the Clerk of Council for public inspection.
   2.   Take action by motion, and a majority vote of the members of the board or commission shall be necessary to take action. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. All members of boards and commissions shall be electors of the City.
   3.   Adopt rules for calling regular and special meetings, the conduct and government of the board or commission, however, the rules shall not conflict with the provisions of this Charter or ordinances and resolutions of the City, and shall be in conformity with Ohio's open meetings law.
(B)    Unless otherwise provided in this Charter, a vacancy during the term of any member of a board or commission created by this Charter or by ordinance or resolution shall be filled for the unexpired term, if any, in the manner authorized for an original appointment; provided that if such appointing authority shall fail to fill the vacancy by appointment within sixty days, the Mayor shall fill the vacancy by appointment for the unexpired term, if any.
(C)    Unless otherwise authorized under this Charter, members of boards and commissions shall hold no other office or position of employment with the City.
(D)    Council may not abolish or combine boards and commissions specifically created in this Charter.
(Amended by electorate on 8-4-20)