5.02 Powers of Mayor
(A)    The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council but shall not vote except that the Mayor may vote on all matters including ordinances and resolutions, other than the appointment or removal or suspension of any person appointed, suspended, or removed by the Mayor, in the event of a tie vote among the members of the Council. For this provision only, the Mayor shall be considered a member of Council. The Mayor shall have those judicial and military powers, if any, as may be granted by the general laws of Ohio, and shall be permitted to perform marriages as allowed by the general laws of Ohio, shall have ceremonial powers on behalf of the City and shall have such other powers, duties and functions as provided under this Charter and the City's ordinances and resolutions. The Mayor shall not have any power to veto ordinances or resolutions passed by the Council.
(B)   At its organizational meeting in each year the Council shall elect from among its members a president pro-tempore and a vice-president pro-tempore by a majority vote of its members. The president pro-tempore of the Council shall exercise the powers, duties and functions of the Mayor in case of a vacancy in the office of Mayor or in the event of the absence or disability of the Mayor; and in the event that the Mayor and the president pro-tempore of the Council are absent or disabled, or their offices are vacant, the vice-president pro-tempore shall exercise the powers, duties and functions of the Mayor.
The president and vice-president pro-tempore may vote on any matter before the Council while acting as Mayor, but may not vote a second time on any matter in order to break a tie vote.
(Amended by electorate on 8-4-20)