The City Manager is hereby authorized to promulgate the following rules and regulations regarding the posting of informational/directional signage:
   (a)   Residents or real estate agents may file an application with the City Manager for posting of City-approved informational/directional signs on street signs poles with a bracket attachment. The purpose of these signs is to direct individuals to open houses, auctions, sales of household goods or family celebrations such as graduations, weddings, showers or reunions. Such signs shall state "Open House", "Garage (or Yard, Moving, Estate) Sale", "Auction", or "(Family Name) Party" (Shower, Reunion, etc.) with a directional arrow. Such signs shall not bear any artwork, advertising message or firm name. These signs shall be posted and taken down by City employees.
   (b)   Informational/directional open house signs shall be posted according to the following schedule:
      Day of open house      Hours of posting
      Sunday            4:00 p.m. Friday through 8:00 a.m. Monday
      Monday through Saturday   24 hours in advance of the start of open house through closing of the open house. (Signs may be left up until 8:00 a.m. the following morning at the discretion of the City Manager).
   (c)   Informational/directional signs for auctions shall be posted according to the following schedule:
24 hours in advance of the auction through the end of the auction. (Signs may be left up until 8:00 a.m. the following morning at the discretion of the City Manager.)
   (d)   Informational/directional signs for sales of household goods shall be posted no sooner than 8:00 a.m. the day of the event and taken down no later than the following day at the City's discretion.
   (e)   Informational/directional signs for family celebrations shall be posted no sooner than 8:00 a.m. the day of the event and taken down no later than the following day at the City's discretion.
   (f)   Custom-made signs for family celebrations, featuring family names, e.g., Jones Party, shall be ordered in advance. Applicants shall bear the full cost of such signs in addition to the sign posting fee.
   (g)   In order to amortize the cost of fabricating sign brackets, signs, and to cover the cost of posting and removal of signs by City employees, applicants shall be charged a fee as established in Chapter 143.
(Ord. 51-97. Passed 5-6-97.)