(a)   Residential utility barns or sheds are defined as structures with no permanent foundation, commonly with wooden skid runners used as floor joists placed in direct ground contact. These structures shall further be defined as having at least twenty-four square feet in area.
   (b)   Such structures shall not be permitted in the front or side yards in residential zones.
   (c)   If a structure is detached from the main dwelling unit, it must maintain at least four foot minimum setback requirement from the side and rear property lines and this four foot area must be maintained with the same appearance as the rest of the yard.
   (d)   A residential utility barn or shed attached or butted up to the rear of the main dwelling unit will be considered "attached" to it and will be required to maintain the same setback as the dwelling unit.
   (e)   A residential utility barn or shed shall have an area no greater than 150 square feet or thirty percent (30%) of the rear yard, whichever is less and shall not exceed twelve feet in height.
(Ord. 32-98. Passed 9-1-98.)