(a)   Signs shall not project over or obstruct the required windows or doors of any building, or attach to or obstruct a fire escape.
   (b)   Signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct traffic sight lines or traffic control lights at street intersections, or signals at railroad grade crossings.
   (c)   Signs visible from a street shall not contain an arrow or words such as "stop", "go", "slow", etc. or otherwise resemble highway traffic or directional signals.
   (d)   No sign shall be located within any public right of way.
   (e)   Signs which are illuminated shall use indirect lighting only. The source of light shall not be visible from the street, and no flashing, revolving or intermittent illumination shall be permitted.
   (f)   A sign for which a valid zoning permit has been issued may be moved to a different location with no additional fee upon approval by the Zoning Inspector.
   (g)   A sign for which a valid zoning permit has been issued may be repainted or the plastic panels may be replaced with no additional fee so long as the size and location remain the same.
   (h)   Measurement of sign area:
      (1)   The area of a sign which consists of individual letters attached directly to a structure shall be the area of the smallest rectangle which shall be inclusive of all the individual letters.
      (2)   The area of a sign shall include any border, decorative or otherwise, that exceeds four inches.
(Ord. 16-1978. Passed 6-7-78.)
   (i)   Political signs not exceeding six square feet are permitted on private property. Political signs may be posted up to forty-five days before an election and must be taken down no later than seven days after the election.
(Ord. 72-97. Passed 10-21-97.)