(a)   Modification of the District shall follow the procedure in appendix of the Zoning Code as it pertains to a change in any zoning district. The majority of the structures in the area must meet the following criteria:
      (1)   Has significant character, interest or value, as part of the development, heritage or cultural characteristics of the City, State or Nation; or is associated with the life of a person significant in the past; or
      (2)   Is the site of an historic event with a significant effect upon society; or
      (3)   Exemplifies the cultural, political, economic, social or historic heritage of the community; or
      (4)   Portrays the environment in an era of history characterized by a distinctive architectural style; or
      (5)   Embodies those distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type or engineering specimen; or
      (6)   Is the work of a designer whose individual work has significantly influenced the development of Canal Fulton; or
      (7)   Contains elements of design, detail, materials or craftsmanship which represent a significant innovation; or
      (8)   By being part of or related to a square, park or other distinctive area, should be developed or preserved according to a plan based on a historic, cultural or architectural motif; or
      (9)   Owing to its unique location or singular physical characteristic, represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, community or city; or
      (10)   Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in pre-history or history.
(Ord. 20-1978. Passed 9-19-78.)
   (b)   For the purposes of this chapter, the following words are defined as follows:
      (1)   "Alteration" means any act or process that changes either one or more of the exterior architectural features of a structure; or one or more of the physical features of a site or district.
      (2)   "Certificate of appropriateness" means a certificate issued by the Historic Preservation Commission showing approval of plans for construction, alteration, demolition, or relocation of structures that would affect the Historic District or a Historical Landmark.
      (3)   "Compatibility" means consistent with, harmonious with, and/or enhancing the mixture of complementary architectural styles either of the architecture of an individual structure or the character of the surrounding structures.
      (4)   "Demolition" means the substantial deterioration or complete or substantial removal or destruction of any historic structure or any structure which is located with the Historic District.
      (5)   "Designated Historic District" means the geographically definable area that has been designated as such by the City because of its historic significance and importance to the community and is officially included in the City, the County of Stark, the State of Ohio, and the National Register of Historic Places.
      (6)   "Designated Historic Landmark" means a structure or site within the City of Canal Fulton officially included in the City, County of Stark, State of Ohio, and the National Register of Historic Places.
      (7)   "Exterior Architectural Features" means the exterior architectural features of a structure, including, but not limited to the color, kind and texture of building materials, and the type, design and character of windows, door and appurtenances.
      (8)   "Historic Preservation Commission" means the citizen's commission appointed by the Mayor of the City of Canal Fulton and approved by its City Council to make recommendations on the designation and preservation of the Historic District, historic landmarks and historic structures and to administer the City's historic preservation program.
      (9)   "Historic property" means the cultural resources, including buildings, structures, objects, sites and district, that are of historic significance.
      (10)   "Historic significance" means the attributes of the Historic District, a site or structure that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association, and
         A.   That are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the patterns of our history; or
         B.   That are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or
         C.   That embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction, or that represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or
         D.   That have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in history.
      (11)   "Noncontributing structures" means structures or physical features that may be within the Historic District, but are not of historic significance per se; however, the relationship of these structures with the contributing structures may be important in the preservation of the Historic District.
      (12)   "Site" means the scene of an activity that has historic significance to the City. The site may or may not include structures; for example: parks, abandoned mining or agricultural areas, and archeological site.
(Ord. 9-03. Passed 4-1-03.)
   (c)   The Historic Preservation Commission and the City Council shall consider the following criteria in reviewing nominations of properties for designation:
      (1)   Historic landmarks. Historic landmarks must be at least fifty years old and meet one or more of the criteria for architectural, social/historic or geographic/environmental significance as described below.
      Architectural Criteria:
         A.   Exemplifies special elements of an architectural style or period.
         B.   Example of the work of an architect or builder who is recognized for expertise nationally, statewide, regionally, or locally.
         C.   Demonstrates superior craftsmanship or high artistic value.
         D.   Represents an innovation in construction, materials or design.
         E.   Style particularly associated with Canal Fulton, Stark County, or one of its neighborhoods.
         F.   Represents a built environment of a group of people in an era of history.
         G.   Pattern or grouping of elements representing at least one of the above criteria.
         H.   Significant historic renovation.
      Social/Historic Criteria.
         A.   Site of historic event that had an effect upon society.
         B.   Exemplifies cultural, political, economic or social heritage of the community.
         C.   Association with a notable person or the work of a notable person.
      Geographic/Environmental Criteria.
         A.   Enhances sense of identity of the community.
         B.   An established and familiar natural setting or visual feature of the community.
      Historic Sites Shall Meet One or More of the Following Criteria:
         Architectural Criteria.
         A.   Exhibits distinctive characteristics of a type, period or manner of construction.
         B.   A unique example of structure.
         Social/Historic Criteria.
         A.   Demonstrable potential to make an important contribution to the knowledge of the area's history.
         B.   An association with an important event in the area's development.
         C.   An association with a notable person(s) or the work of a notable person(s).
         D.   A typical example/association with a particular ethnic group.
         E.   A unique example of an event in the history of Canal Fulton.
         Geographic/Environmental Criterion.
         A.   Geographically or regionally important.
      All sites will be evaluated for their physical integrity using the following criteria, but a site need not meet all of the following criteria:
         A.   Shows character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage or cultural characteristics of the community, region, state, or nation.
         B.   Retains original design features, materials and/or character.
         C.   Original location or same historic context after having been moved.
         D.   Has been accurately reconstructed or restored based on documentation.
(Ord. 10-03. Passed 4-1-03.)