Prohibited uses in the Light Industrial Zone include, but are not limited to, the following:
   (a)   General Residential Uses.
   (b)   Public and private schools, general hospitals, sanatoriums, churches, and cemeteries.
   (c)   Stockyards, soap manufacture, glue manufacture, tannery, paper manufacture, wool scouring and cleaning, cotton textile sizing, scouring, leaching, dyeing, and similar uses; varnish manufacture, creosote, and products manufacture.
   (d)   The production of corrosive and noxious chemicals, including, but not limited to, acids, acetylene gas, ammonia, chlorine, and bleaching compounds.
   (e)   The production and process of coal and coal tar, the processing of petroleum and petroleum products, petroleum refining, and the above-ground storage of less than twenty thousand (20,000) gallons (per site) of petroleum products.
   (f)   The extraction, preparation, and processing of dust-producing mineral products including, but not limited to abrasive, cement, lime, fertilizer, plaster, crushed stone, mining of sand, gravel, topsoil.
   (g)   The smelting and reduction of metallic ores including, but not limited to, blast furnaces, open hearth, and electric furnaces, bessemer converters, and non-ferrous metal smelters.
   (h)   The manufacture and storage of explosive products, including, but not limited to dynamite, commercial explosives, T.N.T., military explosives, and fireworks.
(Ord. 21-08. Passed 7-15-08.)