A. Within ninety (90) days following written notice from the Village, a wireless provider or utility shall, at its own expense, temporarily or permanently remove, relocate, change or alter the position of any facilities within the rights-of- way whenever the Corporate Authorities have determined that such removal, relocation, change or alteration, is reasonably necessary for the construction, repair, maintenance, or installation of any Village improvement in or upon, or the operations of the Village in or upon, the rights-of-way. Wireless providers are required to provide the Village with written notice of its intent to sell or transfer small wireless facilities. Such notice must include the name and contact information of the new wireless provider.
B. Within thirty (30) days following written notice from the Village, any wireless provider or utility that owns, controls, or maintains any unauthorized facility or related appurtenances within the public rights-of-way shall, at its own expense, remove all or any part of such facilities or appurtenances from the public rights-of-way. A facility is unauthorized and subject to removal in the following circumstances:
1. Upon expiration or termination of the permittee's license or franchise, unless otherwise permitted by applicable law;
2. If the facility was constructed or installed without the prior grant of a license or franchise, if required;
3. If the facility was constructed or installed without prior issuance of a required permit in violation of this chapter; or
4. If the facility was constructed or installed at a location not permitted by the permittee's license or franchise.
C. The Village retains the right and privilege to cut or move any facilities located within the rights-of-way of the Village, as the Village may determine to be necessary, appropriate or useful in response to any public health or safety emergency. If circumstances permit, the Village shall attempt to notify the wireless provider or utility, if known, prior to cutting or removing a facility and shall notify the wireless provider or utility, if known, after cutting or removing a facility.
D. Upon abandonment of a utility within the public rights-of- way of the Village, the utility shall notify the Village within ninety (90) days. Following receipt of such notice, the Village may direct the utility to remove all or any portion of the utility facility if the Village Engineer determines that such removal will be in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare. In the event that the Village does not direct the utility that abandoned the facility to remove it, by giving notice of abandonment to the Village, the abandoning utility shall be deemed to consent to the alteration or removal of all or any portion of the facility by another utility or person.
With respect to small wireless facilities, a small wireless facility that is not operated for a continuous period of twelve (12) months shall be considered abandoned. The owner of an abandoned small wireless facility shall notify the Village within ninety (90) days of it being abandoned and the owner of that small wireless facility must remove the small wireless facility within ninety (90) days after sending such written notice to the Village. The Village may direct the wireless provider to remove all or any portion of the facility if the Village Engineer determines that such removal will be in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare. If the small wireless facility is not removed within ninety (90) days of such notice, the Village may remove or cause the removal of the facility pursuant to the terms of its pole attachment agreement for Village utility poles or through whatever actions are provided for abatement of nuisances or by other law for removal and cost recovery. (Ord. O-18-11, 7-17-2018)