The placement of any antenna, wireless facility or small wireless facilities located in the Village right-of-way may not interfere with the frequencies used by public safety agencies for public safety communications. Unacceptable interference will be determined in accordance with industry standards and the Federal Communications Commission's regulations addressing unacceptable interference to public safety spectrum. If an antenna, wireless facility or small wireless facility causes such interference, the owner must take all steps necessary to correct and eliminate the interference at its own costs. The Village may terminate a permit for any antenna, wireless facility or small wireless facility based on such interference if the interference is not corrected.
The Village may reserve space on its utility pole for future public safety uses. This reservation of space may preclude the collocation of a small wireless facility where the Village determines that the utility pole cannot accommodate both uses.
   A.   Minimum Requirements: The Village minimum requirements for traffic protection are contained in IDOT's "Illinois Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices" and this Code.
   B.   Warning Signs, Protective Devices And Flaggers: The wireless provider or utility is responsible for providing and installing warning signs, protective devices and flaggers, when necessary, meeting all applicable Federal, State, and local requirements for protection of the public and the utility workers when performing any work on the public rights- of-way.
   C.   Interference With Traffic: All work shall be phased so that there is minimum interference with pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
   D.   Notice When Access Is Blocked: At least forty eight (48) hours prior to beginning work that will partially or completely block access to any residence, business or institution, the wireless provider or utility shall notify the resident, business or institution of the approximate beginning time and duration of such work; provided, however, that in cases involving emergency repairs pursuant to this chapter, the wireless provider or utility shall provide such notice as is practicable under the circumstances.
   E.   Compliance: The wireless provider or utility shall take immediate action to correct any deficiencies in traffic protection requirements that are brought to the wireless provider's or utility's attention by the Village. (Ord. O-18-11, 7-17-2018)