A.   Location Change: A license issued hereunder shall permit the sale of alcoholic liquor only within the premises described in the application or within the property lines of the property upon which a licensed premises is located. Such location may be changed only upon approval of the local liquor control commissioner. No application involving a change of location shall be accepted unless the proposed new location is in compliance with the provisions and regulations of this chapter.
   B.   Ownership Change:
      1.   When a license has been issued to a partnership and a change of ownership occurs resulting in a partnership interest by one who is not eligible to hold a liquor license, the license shall terminate effective on the date of the change.
      2.   When a license has been issued to a corporation and a change takes place in the officers, directors, or shareholders of more than five percent (5%) of the stock, or managers resulting in the holding of office or such shares by one who is not eligible, the license shall terminate effective on the date of the change.
      3.   If there are any changes in ownership of the establishment licensed under this chapter or a change of managers, and the licensee does not contact the liquor control commissioner within thirty (30) days of the change, said license shall terminate effective on the date of the change.
      4.   A license will not terminate if the liquor control commissioner has been notified of the change within thirty (30) days and all necessary background checks and BASSET requirements are pending. (2013 Code § 3-1-5)