No license shall be issued hereunder until the applicant shall have been investigated by the local liquor control commissioner and a report filed in the records of said commissioner approving the issuance of such license. As a part of this investigation, the local liquor control commissioner shall require fingerprints of all new applicants and shall have the right to require fingerprints of any applicant for renewal thereof. As used in this section, the term "applicant" or "applicants" shall mean any individual who applies for a liquor license, all partners and officers of any partnership which applies for a liquor license, all officers of any corporation and all members of a limited liability company with a membership or ownership interest of five percent (5%) or more which applies for a liquor license. For purposes of obtaining fingerprints under this section, the local liquor control commissioner shall collect a fee and forward the fee to the Illinois department of state police and the federal bureau of investigation. The local liquor control commissioner may accept an existing investigative report and/or fingerprint report of any state, municipality or local unit of government dated within the prior three (3) months in lieu of a report or reports from the Illinois department of state police and the federal bureau of investigation. A copy of fingerprints shall be held on record by the village. (2013 Code § 3-1-5)