A. Appointment And Term: The village president shall designate a budget officer, with approval of the board of trustees. The budget officer's term shall not exceed the term of the current village president. Removal from office shall be in accordance with applicable state law and applicable contractual provisions, if any. The budget officer may concurrently hold another nonconflicting municipal office, either elected or appointed.
B. Bond: The budget officer, before entering upon the duties of his/her office, shall execute a bond to the village in such sum as provided in the Illinois Compiled Statutes with such sureties as the president and board of trustees shall condition for the faithful performance of the duties of the budget officer.
C. Powers And Duties: The budget officer shall have such powers and duties as provided pursuant to the Illinois municipal code, as amended from time to time.
D. Compensation: The budget officer shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the president and board of trustees from time to time. (Ord. O-15-18, 10-6-2015)