A.   Officers: The village president shall designate one of the members of the zoning board of appeals as chair and one member as vice chair, who shall be authorized to act in the absence of the chair, both with the consent of the board of trustees. The secretary and other officers, if any, shall be selected pursuant to law.
   B.   Rules Of Procedure: The zoning board of appeals may adopt its own rules of procedure, which shall not conflict with the statutes or with the provisions of this code or any ordinances of the village.
   C.   Meetings:
      1.   All meetings of the zoning board of appeals shall be held at the call of the chair and at such time as the board may determine.
      2.   All meetings or hearings of the zoning board of appeals shall be open to the public as required by law and shall comply with state statutes.
      3.   The chair may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses pursuant to law.
      4.   The zoning board of appeals shall keep minutes of its meetings and proceedings showing the vote of each member upon every question, or if absent or failing to vote, indicating such fact. (2013 Code § 2-2-2)