Applications for level 2 site development permits shall include a Post-Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (P-SWPPP) to be completed, sealed and signed by a licensed professional engineer and submitted to the MS4 representative or their designee. The P-SWPPP shall include the following:
(A) A description of the proposed land use including amount of additional impervious area to be developed, directly connected impervious area, and nature of the development;
(B) Location, dimensions, detailed specifications, including waterway buffers where appropriate, and construction details of all post-construction stormwater quality BMPs as defined in the city guidance documents;
(C) A sequence describing when each post-construction stormwater quality BMP will be installed;
(D) A long-term operation and maintenance agreement containing maintenance guidelines for all post-construction stormwater quality measures to facilitate their proper long term function. This agreement shall be recorded as a restricted covenant on the property and thereby made available to future parties, including property owners, who will assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance of post-construction stormwater quality and quantity measures. See requirements in § 54.066.
(Ord. 14-08, passed 9-3-2014; Am. Ord. 19-02, passed 5-6-2019; Am. Ord. 20-05, passed 7-20-2020) Penalty, see § 54.999