(A) For the purpose of this chapter, the city is divided into 11 districts designated as follows:
(1) R-1 Residential District (Low Density);
(2) R-2 Residential District (Medium Density);
(3) R-3 Residential District (High Density);
(4) R-4 Residential District (Multi-Family District);
(5) B-1 Neighborhood Business District;
(6) B-2 General Business District;
(7) B-3 Central Business District;
(8) B-4 Highway Business District;
(9) I-1 Light Industrial District;
(10) I-2 Heavy Industrial District; and
(11) M-1 Municipal District.
(B) Provisions governing each use district are provided in the following sections except M-1 which shall be reserved exclusively for property owned by the city. Any property so zoned and sold by the city shall be rezoned upon transfer by the city.
(2000 Code, App. B, § 41) (Ord. 12-04, passed 5-7-2012)