(A) The Board shall annually elect a Chairperson from among its members. The Chairperson shall be the presiding officer and a full voting member of the Board.
(B) The Board shall hold regular monthly meetings on a date, and during times to be established by the Board. Regular and special meetings shall be scheduled and held in accordance with requirements of the State Open Meetings Act being KRS 61.800 et seq. Regular and special meetings may be cancelled if there are no appeals or other business to be considered by the Board.
(C) All meetings and hearings of the Board, shall be held in accordance with the requirements of KRS 82.700 et seq., KRS 381.770 et seq., Roberts Rules of Order, the State Open Meetings Act being KRS 61.800 et seq, and the State Open Records Act being KRS 61.870 et seq and the city code of ethics.
(D) For the purpose of conducting all business and hearings brought before it, two members of the Board, shall, if present, constitute a quorum.
(E) Minutes, records and/or transcripts of all proceedings and action taken shall be kept by the Board and the vote of each member on any issue decided by them shall be recorded therein.
(Ord. 08-07, passed 8-4-2008)