(A) The fair housing policy that will prevent any discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, HIV-positive persons, or disability will be reviewed by the Council. Upon review of this document, a resolution supporting the implementation of the affirmative action plan must be obtained.
(B) After adopting this plan, the city's policies regarding fair housing will be communicated to the public either in writing or by public advertisement. The Council will also conduct two public hearings to obtain comments from the public concerning the Council's intention of preventing any discrimination in housing.
(C) The Council will attempt to organize and assist a local advisory committee that will function as an intermediary between the Council and the citizens of the community. It will be the responsibility of the committee to report at least bimonthly to the Council on activities or matters concerning the prevention of discrimination within the community.
(2000 Code, § 5-28)