(a)   Application. Upon completion of the modifications required by the Planning Commission and the subdivider's petition of the City to continue improvements or the posting of an acceptable surety, the subdivider may apply for approval of the final subdivision plat. Such applications shall be made within eighteen months after approval of the preliminary plat, otherwise such approval shall become null and void unless an extension of time is granted by the Planning Commission. Application for approval of the final plat shall be submitted at least ten days prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered. Drawings and information accompanying such applications shall be as described in Sections 1117.03 and 1117.04 .
   (b)   Review.
      (1)    Plat. The Planning Commission shall review the final plat for conformance with the approved or conditionally approved preliminary plat, and all other requirements of these rules and regulations.
      (2)    Improvements. The subdivider shall petition the City to continue such improvements as are available or required by the Planning Commission to and throughout the subdivision being considered, and shall include at the time of application of the final plat, the original petition for such improvement or a certified copy thereof.
         A.   Performance bond. Alternately the subdivider may file with the Planning Commission, a performance bond, equal to the total cost of completion of all the improvements as agreed upon or required by the Planning Commission.
         B.   Fixed fee. A fixed fee covering the cost of inspection during the construction of improvements by the City Engineer or his representative or any other municipal authority having jurisdiction over local streets or publicly owned utilities.
   (c)   Action. Within thirty days of filing of complete information required for approval of the final plat, the Planning Commission shall approve or disapprove such plat, stating in writing, its reasons for disapproval.
   (d)   Filing.  After approval, the subdivider shall file the final plat with the recorder of deeds of Mahoning County within ninety days. Should the subdivider fail to record the final plat within such period of time, the approval of the Commission shall become null and void. The final plat may constitute only such portions of the preliminary plat which the developer proposes to develop and record, provided however, such portions conform to all the requirements of these regulations and has Planning Commission approval.  (Ord. 62-5165.  Passed 4-24-62.)