The electors of the municipality shall have the power to remove from office by a recall election any elected officer of the City. If an elected officer shall have served for six months of his term, a petition demanding his removal may be filed with the Clerk of Council, who shall note thereon the name and address of the person filing the petition and the date of such filing. 
   Such petition may be circulated in separate parts, but the separate parts shall be bound together and filed as one instrument. Each part shall contain the name and office of the person whose removal is sought and a statement in not more than two hundred (200) words of the grounds for the removal. Such petition shall be signed by at least the number of electors which equals fifteen per centum (15%) of the electors voting at the last preceding general election. 
   Within ten (10) days after the day on which such petition shall have been filed, the Clerk of Council shall determine whether or not it meets the requirements hereof. If the Clerk of Council shall find the petition is defective, he shall promptly certify the particulars in which the petition is defective, deliver a copy of his certificate to the person who filed the petition with him, and make a record of such delivery. Such person shall be allowed a period of twenty (20) days after the day on which such delivery was made in which to make the petition sufficient. 
   If the Clerk of Council shall find the petition sufficient, he shall promptly so certify to the Council, shall deliver a copy of such certificate to the officer whose removal is sought, and shall make a record of such delivery. 
   If such officer shall not resign within five (5) days after the day on which such delivery shall have been made, the Council shall thereupon fix a day for holding a recall election, not less than sixty (60) days nor more than seventy-five (75) days after the date of such delivery. 
   As such recall election this question shall be placed on the ballot: "Shall (...officer's name...) be allowed to continue as ( of office....)" With provision on the ballot for voting affirmatively or negatively on such question. 
   If a majority of the votes cast at such election shall be voted affirmatively, such officer shall remain if office. 
   If a majority of the votes cast shall be voted negatively, such officer shall be considered as removed, his offce shall be deemed vacant, and such vacancy shall be filled as provided in this Charter. The officer removed by such recall election shall not be eligible for appointment to the vacancy created thereby. 
   No person removed from office by recall shall be eligible to be elected or appointed to any City offce within two (2) years thereafter.