The Council shall provide for the posting on the City of Campbell website of a municipal election manual at least fourteen (14) days before the day of each municipal primary election, or at least fourteen (14) days before the day of each municipal general election if no primary or no city wide primary is held due to not more than two candidates filing for several or all of the elective offices. 
   The front cover of the manual shall contain the wording "City of Campbell", "Election Manual", and the year. The first page of the manual shall contain the following statement: 
The primary election for municipal offcers shall be held on
Tuesday, ....(date)....and the general election shall be held on
Tuesday, ...(date)....
This manual has been prepared to introduce you to the candidates who are seeking the various elective offces. Each candidate has the privilege of submitting a statement which may include such personal data as to family, education, work experience, organizations, and the platform or programs which he advocates. 
The quality of our government depends on the quality of the people elected to operate it. Consider it your duty to vote on election day. 
   The wording of the first paragraph shall be changed by the Council to suit conditions if no primary or no city-wide primary is held due to not more than two candidates filing for several or all of the elective offices. 
   The subsequent pages shall contain the statements of the candidates. The statements of the candidates shall be in alphabetical order for each office, and the order of offices shall be Mayor, Council President, Director of Law, and Ward Councilman for the First, Second, Third and Fourth Wards in that order. 
   Each candidate must submit a statement, not to exceed five hundred (500) words, which may include such personal data as family, education, work experience, organizations, and platform or programs advocated. He may include only whatever information he wishes, and shall not make defamatory remarks concerning any opponent or individual. The candidate statements shall be signed by the candidate and shall be submitted to the Clerk of Council at least forty-five (45) days before the day of the primary election. Should any candidate not submit a statement, his name and address shall appear in the manual with a comment that no statement has been submitted. 
   As a public service to the community, the Council may authorize for inclusion in the "Election Manual" the sample ballots of any special issues to be placed on the municipal primary or general elections, and the candidate statements of those persons seeking the positions of member of the Board of Education. 
   The "Election Manual" shall contain only the information specified in this section.
(Amended 11-2-10)