(a)   “Junk dealer” means any person who exercises or carries on the business of a keeper of a junk shop, or what is commonly called a junk shop, for the purchase and sale of junk, rags, old rope, paper, bagging, old iron, brass, copper, tin, empty bottles, slush or lead, but not including plow irons, old stoves and furniture.
   (b)   “Junk collector” means any person who collects and transports scrap, old iron, or other metal, glass, paper, cordage, old rubber, junked automobiles, or other waste or discarded material, which may be prepared to be used again in some form by means of horse and wagon, motor vehicle, or hand-propelled conveyance. 
(Ord. 34-17.  Passed 1-5-34; Ord. 37-190.  Passed 5-18-37.)