A Director of Finance shall be appointed by the Mayor solely on the basis of his education or experience in the field of accounting, bookkeeping and finance. However, such appointment shall require the approval of a majority of Council. He shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified.
   The Director of Finance shall be the fiscal officer of the municipality and shall have the following powers and duties:
He shall serve the Mayor and Council as financial adviser in connection with municipal affairs and shall keep the financial records of the municipality. He shall be responsible for the collection of all taxes and assessments and shall disburse the same as may be required by ordinance or resolution and by law.
He shall maintain general accounting system for the municipality and for each of its officers, departments and agencies; keep books for and exercise financial budgetary control over each office, department and agency; keep separate accounts for the items of appropriation contained in the municipal budget, each of which accounts shall show the amount of appropriation, the amounts paid therefrom, the unpaid obligations against it, and the unencumbered balance; require reports of receipts and disbursements from each receiving and spending agency of the municipality to be made at such intervals as he may deem expedient.
He shall compile a schedule of anticipated income for the next succeeding year, and shall submit such schedule to the Mayor and Council by May 15th of each year. He shall assist the Mayor in the preparation of the budget.
   The elective offices of the City Auditor, the City Treasurer, and the appointive office of Tax Commissioner are hereby abolished effective January 1, 1972. 
   In case of a temporary absence of the Director of Finance, his or her duties shall be assigned to the Director of Administration.
(Amended 11-2-10)