(A) Service disconnection for non-payment of water and/or sewer service charges. In the event a water/sewer account is in arrears for more than 30 days or a calendar month, a delinquency notice will be sent stating that if payment is not received by the due date on the notice, water service will be disconnected without further notice. An owner or tenant occupying property can apply to the village offices to have a duplicate copy of notice of delinquency sent to him or her. The customer may contact the village offices before the due date set forth in the delinquency notice to present reasons why service should not be disconnected. In the event the amount of the bill or the accuracy of the meter is questioned, the customer must pay the amount billed to avoid service disconnection subject to a refund by the village should the village determine that the bill or meter was incorrect. The village shall duly consider the request of the customer to continue service even though the account is past due and may either accept or reject the request depending upon the circumstances and the history of payment of the account. In the event that no request for consideration is made before the due date as set forth on the notice or the request has been rejected, service is subject to turnoff after the said due date without further notice. Any customer who turns on his, her, or their own water service after it has been disconnected pursuant to this section may be subject to criminal prosecution.
(B) Turn on of service after delinquent payment is made. Water service will be restored after payment has been received for that portion of the account that is in arrears more than 30 days plus a service charge of $20. Payment must be actually received by the village offices. No payment to a serviceperson or agent of the village can be accepted. The water service will be turned on the next regular working day after payment is received and during normal working hours which are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. No exact time will be specified except that the Water Department will try to schedule work within reason but cannot be responsible for delays. If payment is received before noon it may be possible to schedule the service turn on the afternoon of the same day. Exception to this rule can only be made in extreme emergencies since proper scheduling of work must be made for conservation of vehicle use and efficient operation. Service to turn on water service after business hours will be provided upon request by the customer to the village offices. An additional service charge of $100 will be made for this service.
(Ord. 793-04, passed 11-15-04)