(A)   Concurrently with the activation of the system in the county, the grantee shall provide all services to subscribers, as described herein and as specified in the franchise agreement, at rates detailed in the rate schedule.
      (1)   The system shall carry the broad categories of programming and services listed in the franchise agreement. The grantee should offer, on all of its tiers, a good mix of programming services, which is sufficient to meet the needs of the community. Any changes in programming services shall be reported to the grantor as prescribed in federal law, this chapter and the franchise agreement.
      (2)   Basic service shall be offered to subscribers throughout the term of this chapter and the franchise.
      (3)   The grantee shall provide at the county's request and maintain at the grantee's sole cost, as specified in the franchise agreement, the following access channels:
         (a)   Government access channel;
         (b)   Educational access channel; and
         (c)   Public access channel.
      (4)   The grantee shall make available leased access channels, as required by federal law.
      (5)   The grantee shall fully provide, at a minimum, the services, facilities and equipment for public, educational and government access as indicated in the franchise.
   (B)   (1)   The grantee agrees to furnish emergency alert system as mandated in current FCC regulations, as may be amended from time to time. The grantee shall provide:
         (a)   Video message on all channels or other alerting techniques to hearing impaired and deaf subscribers;
         (b)   Audio message and video interruption on all channels; and
         (c)   Video message on at least one channel to all subscribers.
      (2)   An official county emergency override methodology will be coordinated between the County Manager and the local grantee manager upon execution of a franchise agreement.
(Ord. passed 10-19-98)