(A)   Application procedure.
      (1)   A landowner may apply to participate in the Voluntary Agricultural District program by making application to the chairperson of the Advisory Board or a designated staff person. The application shall be on forms provided by the Advisory Board.
      (2)   A conservation agreement required by G.S. § 106-737 and defined in G.S. § 121-35 to sustain, encourage, and promote agriculture must be executed by the landowner with the Advisory Board, which shall record a certified copy of such with the Camden County Register of Deeds. Permitted uses include agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and outdoor recreation.
   (B)   Approval process.
      (1)   Upon submission of the application to the Advisory Board, the Advisory Board shall meet within 30 days to approve or disapprove the application. The chairperson shall notify the applicant by first class mail of approval or disapproval of participation in a district.
      (2)   Upon receipt of an application, the chairperson will forward copies immediately to the following offices which shall be asked to provide comments, if any, to the Advisory Board prior to the date set for the Advisory Board vote on the application:
         (a)   The Camden County tax assessor.
         (b)   The Camden Soil and Water Conservation District office.
   (C)   Appeal. If an application is denied by the Advisory Board, the landowner may, within ten days of notification of disapproval of the application, request in writing that the Advisory Board reconsider its decision. The request for reconsideration shall state the reason(s) therefore. Upon either an initial denial, if no request for reconsideration was made, or denial after reconsideration, the landowner shall have 30 days from the date of notification to appeal the decision to the Board of Commissioners. The appeal shall be presented in writing. The decision of the Board of Commissioners is final.
(Ord. 2013-04-01, passed 5-6-13)