The fee structure will consist of the sum of a fixed fee plus gallonage rate. The following fee structure will be used to determine sewer rates:
(A) Residential shall include all structures defined in the Camden County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) as:
(1) Single-family detached;
(2) Duplex;
(3) Multi-family;
(4) Multi-family apartments;
(5) Multi-family townhouse;
(6) Two-family conversions;
(7) Primary with accessory apartment;
(8) Two-family;
(9) Two-family apartment; and
(10) Mobile Home Park
(B) The residential base rate and additional rate shall be the same for all residential users.
(C) Commercial and industrial shall include all other uses as defined in the Camden County UDO not in division (A). The commercial/industrial base rate shall be the same for all users. The additional rate will vary depending on the type of use. The following users are considered to have high strength wastewater and will pay the high strength additional rate:
(1) Industrial users;
(2) Schools;
(3) Day cares;
(4) Hospitals;
(5) Nursing homes;
(6) Laundromats;
(7) Restaurants;
(8) Doctors;
(9) Dentists;
(10) Beauty shops;
(11) Grocery store;
(12) Convenient store;
(13) Funeral home;
(14) Car washes; and
(15) And such other users as the Board determines.
All other commercial users not on the list will pay the regular commercial additional rate.
(Ord. 2005-01-01, passed 2-21-05)