(A)   The conduct or operation of any business which is subject to the provisions of the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Act or which for its operation requires a license or permit issued by the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission, in violation of and contrary to the provisions of this act, is declared a nuisance.
   (B)   The unlawful sale, barter, exchange, storage, and keeping in possession of any spirituous, malt, vinous, fermented, brewed, or other liquors or beverages or any compound or mixture thereof which contains alcohol and is used as a beverage; the illegal possession of drugs or narcotics by customers or frequenters; boisterous and disorderly conduct; breaches of the peace; litter of the surrounding area with paper, paper cups, beer cans, and other beverage containers, or general conduct of customers or frequenters which is inimical to peace and good order, all or any of which occurring at a business establishment subject to the provisions of the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, and at any business establishment the operation and conduct of which requires a license or permit issued by the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission, is declared to be a nuisance.
   (C)   Any business establishment, as aforesaid, which by reason of its operation is hereby declared to be a nuisance, or at which acts and conduct herein declared a nuisance occur, shall be subject to abatement and removal and its city business license subject to revocation or nonissuance by the City Council after notice to the parties interested.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful to conduct or operate a business establishment herein declared a nuisance or at which the acts and conduct of the customers or frequenters constitute a nuisance as herein provided.
   (E)   This section shall not revoke or repeal any other applicable ordinance of the city pertaining to the operation of any business, unlawful acts, licensing, or nuisances, but shall be supplemental thereto.
('64 Code, § 4-3) (Ord., passed 11-26-73)