(A)   No person shall, without permission of the Director of Public Works, place any item for collection in or near bulk containers furnished by the city.
   (B)   Every licensed business, every person, firm, institution, corporation, and/or other commercial concern doing business in the city shall be required to have and pay for commercial garbage service unless otherwise exempted pursuant to policy developed by the Public Works Director and approved by the City Manager.
   (C)   The schedule of rates for commercial garbage service supplied by the city; the application for such commercial garbage service; the amount of deposit, if any, required as a prerequisite to use of commercial garbage service; the disposition of such deposit; the due date of bills for such commercial garbage service; the amount of discount, if any, for the prompt payment of such bills; penalty and discontinuance of service upon default in payment; the terms of re-establishment of service upon payment of arrears and all matters in connection with the operation of the commercial garbage service shall be in accordance with regulations adopted or approved by the City Council.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful to place household garbage into bulk containers without first placing it in an airtight plastic bag.
   (E)   It shall be unlawful to place any dead animals, hazardous waste, special waste, or building materials in any bulk container.
   (F)   It shall be unlawful to place any bulk container in any area other than that site approved by the Director of Public Works; such placement shall be based upon access for service by the city, the public safety and welfare and the convenience of customers.
   (G)   It shall be unlawful to deface or damage any bulk container or use the bulk container as a depository for brick, blocks, rocks, hot ashes, acids, or any item destructive to the container.
(Ord., passed 1-24-89) Penalty, see § 10.99