(A)   Unless the company demonstrates to the city's satisfaction that extraordinary circumstances justify a higher charge, service shall be provided to all areas within existing city limits at then-prevailing installation rates. In areas annexed after the date of this franchise, the company shall extend service at then-prevailing installation rates where a new subscriber requesting service is within 500 feet of the nearest cable system plant, or where the density of homes which would be passed by an extension, is equal to or exceeds six homes per quarter mile, measured from the nearest existing cable system plant.
   (B)   In the event the requirements set forth in division (A) are not satisfied, the company shall extend its system on request based on the following cost-sharing formula:
      (1)   Actual turnkey cost to construct the requested extension (not including the subscriber drop) equals the cost for the extension;
      (2)   Total cost divided by six times the number of quarter miles of extension equals the company's share per subscriber;
      (3)   Total cost divided by number of homes requesting service equals the cost per subscriber; and
      (4)   Cost per subscriber minus the company's share equals the subscriber's share of the cost of the extension.
   (C)   If, within three years after any subscriber makes a contribution in aid of construction of an extension, one or more homes are built or one or more persons passed by the extension choose to subscribe to cable service, the company shall rebate each contributing subscriber a pro rata amount equal to company's share per subscriber times the number of homes or subscribers added, up to the total amount of the subscriber's contribution.
   (D)   Where a subscriber drop exceeds 150 feet in length (measured to a public way reasonably accessible to the company), the company may require the subscriber to pay the additional actual cost of providing the drop (on a time and materials basis).
   (E)   The company shall at all times provide service in a manner which conforms to customer service requirements adopted by the city. The requirements may be amended from time to time. The initial requirements are attached to Ordinance passed 8-25-92 as Appendix 1.
(Ord., passed 8-25-92)