The following definitions apply within this chapter consistent with the provisions set forth in the Act, or as it may be amended in the future. Where terms are not defined, the definitions used in the City of Camden Code of Ordinances shall apply.
“AFFORDABLE HOUSING.” Housing that is affordable to families whose incomes do not exceed 80% of the median income for the service zone established for the city.
“BUILDING PERMIT.” A permit issued by the city permitting the construction of a building or structure within city limits.
“CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT.” Improvements with a useful life of five years or more, by new construction or other action, which increase the service capacity of the public facility. Public facilities for the purpose of this chapter include parks and recreation facilities and equipment; fire protection facilities, vehicles, and equipment; and municipal facilities, vehicles, and equipment.
“CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (CIP).” A multi-year planning tool used to identify capital projects and coordinate financing and implementation. The CIP also identifies capital improvements for which development impact fees may be used as a funding source.
“CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY.” A certificate allowing the occupancy or use of a building and certifying that the structure or use has been constructed or will be used in compliance with the City of Camden Code of Ordinances and all other applicable regulations.
“CREDITS.” Development impact fee deductions allowed to a fee payor for eligible off-site improvements funded by the fee payor.
“DEVELOPER.” An individual, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity undertaking new development.
“DEVELOPMENT.” Construction or installation of a new building or structure, or a change in use of an existing building or structure, any of which creates additional demand and need for public facilities (i.e., parks and recreation, fire protection, or municipal facilities and equipment). A building or structure shall include, but not be limited to, modular buildings and manufactured housing. Development does not include alterations made to existing single-family homes.
“DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE.” Collectively or individually, the Fire Protection Impact Fee, the Municipal Facilities and Equipment Impact Fee, and the Parks and Recreation Impact Fee, which constitute a financial payment imposed as a condition of issuing a building permit or development approval to pay a proportionate share of the cost of public facilities needed to accommodate future growth within the city for parks and recreation facilities, fire protection, and municipal facilities and equipment.
“FEE PAYOR.” Any person that pays or is required to pay a development impact fee.
“FIRE PROTECTION IMPACT FEE.” A payment of money imposed as a condition of approval to pay a proportionate share of the cost of fire protection facilities identified to serve new development.
“FIRE PROTECTION FACILITIES.” The system improvements of the facilities for the city's Fire Department, as identified in the Capital Improvements Plan.
“HOUSING AFFORDABILITY ANALYSIS.” The analysis entitled Housing Affordability Analysis in Support of a Development Impact Fee Study in Camden, dated September 12, 2023 and on file with City Planning and Development Department and available upon request.
“IMPACT FEE STUDY.” The study entitled Development Impact Fee Study Report for Camden dated September 12, 2023, and on file with the City Planning and Development Department and available upon request.
“MUNICIPAL FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT IMPACT FEE.” A payment of money imposed as a condition of issuing a building permit or development approval to pay a proportionate share of the cost for municipal facilities identified to serve new development.
“OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS.” Capital improvements located outside of the boundaries of a development that are required to serve the development's demands and needs.
“PARKS AND RECREATION IMPACT FEE.” A payment of money imposed as a condition of issuing a building permit or development approval to pay a proportionate share of the cost for parks and recreation facilities identified to serve new development.
“PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES.” The system improvements of the facilities for the city's parkland recreation facilities, parks and recreation amenities, trails, and open space, as identified in the Capital Improvements Plan.
“PUBLIC FACILITIES.” Includes all fire protection facilities, municipal facilities, and parks and recreation facilities identified in the Capital Improvements Plan as described in § 104.05 hereof.
“SQUARE FEET (s.f.).” As referred to in Exhibit A of Ord. 2023-027, means the sum (in square feet) of the area of each floor level, including cellars, basements, mezzanines, penthouses, corridors, lobbies, stores and offices, that are within the principal outside faces of exterior walls, not including architectural setbacks or projections. Included are all areas that have floor surfaces with clear standing head room (measured six foot, six inches minimum) regardless of their use. If a ground-level area of a building, or part thereof, within the principal outside faces of the exterior walls is not enclosed, this square footage definition considers it part of the overall square footage for the building. However, unroofed areas and unenclosed roofed-over spaces, except those contained within the principle outside faces of exterior walls, should be excluded from the area measurement. The area of any parking garage within a building shall not be included in the area measurement.
“SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT.” A capital improvement to a public facility that is designed to provide service to a service area.
“SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT COSTS.” The costs incurred for construction and reconstruction of system improvements, including design, acquisition, engineering, and other costs attributable to the system improvements, and also including the cost of providing additional public facilities needed to serve new growth and development. System improvement costs do not include:
(1) Construction, acquisition, or expansion of public facilities other than capital improvements eligible for impact fee funding that are identified in the Capital Improvements Plan;
(2) Repair, operation, or maintenance of existing or new capital improvements;
(3) Upgrading, updating, expanding, or replacing existing capital improvements to serve existing development in order to meet stricter safety, efficiency, environmental, or regulatory standards;
(4) Upgrading, updating, expanding, or replacing existing capital improvements to provide better service to existing development;
(5) Administrative and operating costs of the governmental entity; or
(6) Principle payments and interest or other finance charges on bonds or other indebtedness except financial obligations issued by or on behalf of the governmental entity to finance capital improvements eligible for impact fee funding that are identified in the City of Camden Capital Improvements Plan.
“TRUST ACCOUNT.” Collectively or individually, the Parks and Recreation Impact Fee Trust Account, the Fire Protection Impact Fee Trust Account, and the Municipal Facilities and Equipment Impact Fee Trust Account, in which Fire Protection Impact Fees, the Municipal Facilities and Equipment Impact Fees, and the Parks and Recreation Impact Fees, respectively, are to be deposited as imposed and collected.
(Ord. 2023-027, passed 10-24-23)