A.   Filing Fees: Prior to submitting a preliminary plat, an applicant shall submit a nonrefundable fee to be set by resolution of the city council to the city clerk. This fee shall be for publication and notification costs called for elsewhere in this code. Upon submitting a preliminary plat, an applicant shall submit a nonrefundable registration fee to be set by resolution of the city council, plus an additional nonrefundable fee to defray engineering fees and expenses that the city will incur for checking the preliminary plat. The exact amount of all of these fees is to be determined from time to time by the council.
   B.   Filing Preliminary Plat: Any owner desiring to subdivide a piece of land within the city or within the impact area shall file with the city clerk copies of the preliminary plat as required, together with a letter requesting that the preliminary plat be placed on the council's agenda for consideration.
   C.   Preparation, Submittal To City Council: The subdivider shall prepare a preliminary plat and such supplementary material as may be required to indicate to the city council the general objectives of the subdivision. The subdivider shall submit to the city fifteen (15) copies of the preliminary plat at least fourteen (14) days prior to the council meeting at which time the preliminary plat will be considered. The subdivider shall also submit one copy of the preliminary plat in an eight and one-half inch by eleven inch (81/2" x 11") size.
   D.   Title Report: In making application, the owner shall submit a current title report or such evidence as is acceptable to the city council. (Ord. 7-2008, 9-8-2008)
   E.   Combining Preliminary And Final Plats:
      1.   The applicant may request that the subdivision application be processed as both a preliminary and final plat if all of the following exist:
         a.   The proposed subdivision consists of four (4) lots or less.
         b.   No new street dedication or street widening is involved.
         c.   No major special development considerations are involved, such as development in a floodplain, hillside development or the like.
         d.   All required information for both preliminary and final plat is complete and in an acceptable form. (Ord. 5-99, 1-10-2000)
      2.   A request to combine both preliminary and final plats into one application shall be acted upon by the council. (Ord. 7-2008, 9-8-2008)
   F.   Administrator Appointed: (Rep. by Ord. 7-2008, 9-8-2008)
   G.   Administrator Review: (Rep. by Ord. 7-2008, 9-8-2008)
   H.   Review And Recommendations By Agencies: The city clerk may transmit one copy each of the preliminary plat to the following agencies for review and recommendations and may request recommendations from such other agencies as he may deem necessary:
      1.   Cambridge Joint School District;
      2.   Washington County planning and zoning;
      3.   Idaho Power Company;
      4.   Irrigation district appropriate to area being platted;
      5.   Southwest District 3 health department;
      6.   Cambridge Cable TV Company;
      7.   Idaho transportation department (if said plat abuts);
      8.   Cambridge fire protection district;
      9.   Cambridge Telephone Company.
   I.   Copy To City Engineer: The city clerk shall transmit one copy to the city engineer for review and recommendations. The city engineer's review fees shall be paid by the subdivider. (Ord. 7-2008, 9-8-2008)
   J.   Lack Of Agency Recommendation: If no written recommendation from any agency listed in subsection H of this section is received within thirty five (35) days after such notification, the approval of the preliminary plat by such agency will be considered to be granted. (Ord. 8-96, 11-11-1996)
   K.   Council Consideration: At the next regular council meeting, the council will consider the preliminary plat application, and if the plat meets all the requirements, the council will set a hearing date for fifteen (15) days or more after publication of the public notice. (Ord. 7-2008, 9-8-2008)
   L.   Commission Hearing: (Rep. by Ord. 7-2008, 9-8-2008)
   M.   Commission Action: (Rep. by Ord. 7-2008, 9-8-2008)
   N.   Council Action:
      1.   (Rep. by Ord. 7-2008, 9-8-2008)
      2.   At the council hearing, the council will hear testimony of the subdivider and any witnesses on his behalf, and the testimony of affected agencies, affected persons or other interested persons.
      3.   Upon conclusion of the hearing, the council will approve, approve conditionally, or disapprove the plat based on its findings upon the testimony produced before it and, within thirty five (35) days, declare its findings.
      4.   The time limits for acting on the preliminary plat, as specified in this subsection, may be extended by mutual consent of the subdivider and the council. If no action is taken within the time as so extended, the preliminary plat as filed shall be deemed denied, and it shall be the duty of the city clerk to certify such denial. (Ord. 7-2008, 9-8-2008)
      5.   Upon approval or disapproval, the city council shall submit a letter detailing to the subdivider the approval or disapproval, and the basis for the decision. (Ord. 8-96, 11-11-1996)