For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADMINISTRATIVE COST. The cost to administer the wastewater disposal system, including billing and collecting charges, audits of accounts and insurance.
   BOD (DENOTING BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND). The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter in five days at 20°C, expressed in milligrams per liter, as determined in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
   CAPITAL COST. All reasonable and necessary costs and expenses incurred by the village in planning, designing, financing and constructing disposal system facilities, including, but not limited to costs and expenses for obtaining necessary permits, licenses, approvals and grants for design and construction costs; fees for legal and consulting services; and acquisition.
   COMMERCIAL USER. Those commercial establishments, business establishments or establishments seeking profit which contribute normal domestic sewage strength waste to the treatment facility.
   DEBT SERVICE. The principal and/or interest necessary to pay bonded or other indebtedness related to capital costs.
   DEBT SERVICE CHARGE. The charge related to the principal and interest necessary to pay bonded or other indebtedness related to capital costs for facilities owned or operated by the village.
   DOMESTIC USER or RESIDENTIAL USER. The discharge coming from domiciles in the service area which contribute that strength equal to or less than normal domestic waste.
   FLOW. The quantity of sewage expressed in gallons or cubic feet per 24 hours.
   GENERAL MUNICIPAL FLOW. The total sewage flow discharged to the wastewater disposal system facilities, minus the flows from industrial users, other municipalities and contract users and therefore, includes sanitary wastes and infiltration. GENERAL MUNICIPAL FLOW includes flow from domestic users, commercial users, institutional users and government users.
      (1)   Any user discharging sewage to the general municipal flow other than industrial users and other contract users.
      (2)   This category of user includes as subcategories: domestic users; commercial users; institutional users; and governmental users, which are not contract users.
   GOVERNMENTAL USER. Includes those establishments who function in the administration and/or execution of governmental programs as well as the office of executives, legislative bodies and agencies which provide general support services for government.
   INDUSTRIAL USER. A user who discharges to the municipal wastewater disposal system liquid wastes resulting from the processes employed in industry, manufacturing or from the development of any natural resource. Industrial wastewater discharges are typically more concentrated than normal domestic strength wastewaters.
   INSTITUTIONAL USER. Those establishments engaged in activities of a non-economic nature, frequently being the performance of services for the general public (health, educational, social), and not classified as a governmental or commercial user in this chapter.
   LOAD. Quantities of sewage characteristics such as BOD, SS and other constituents as expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/l) or pounds per 24 hours (lbs./24 hours).
   NORMAL DOMESTIC STRENGTH WASTE. A liquid waste that is generated by a typical residence, with an assumed concentration of 200 mg/l BOD, 240 mg/l suspended solids and 30 mg/l ammonia.
   OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS (O&M COSTS). The expense related to the costs of the operation, maintenance and replacement of the wastewater disposal system facilities.
   REPLACEMENT COSTS. Costs related to the expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories, or appurtenances which are necessary to maintain the capacity and performance during the useful life of the wastewater disposal system facilities for which such facilities were designed and constructed. The term OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE includes replacement.
   RESIDENTIAL USER. A user of the treatment works whose premises or buildings are used primarily as a domicile for one or more persons including dwelling units such as detached, semi-detached, rural houses, mobile homes and multiple-family dwellings.
   SANITARY WASTES. The liquid and water-carried wastes discharged from sanitary plumbing facilities.
   SEWAGE. The liquid-carried waste products from whatever source derived, together with such groundwater infiltration and surface water as may be present.
   SEWER. A pipe or conduit for carrying sewage, industrial waste and other waste liquids.
   SEWER SERVICE CHARGE. The aggregate of all the charges including the user charges, debt service charges and other sewer related charges that are billed periodically to users of the wastewater disposal system facilities.
   SEWER SYSTEMS. Pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, force mains and all other devices and appliances appurtenant thereto, used for collecting or conducting sewage.
   SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER. Any industrial user who discharges sewage which constitutes greater than 10% of the design flow or design pollutant loading of the wastewater treatment plant.
   SS (DENOTING SUSPENDED SOLIDS). Solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in water, sewage or other liquids and which are removable by laboratory filtering, in accordance with the latest edition of Standards for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
   USER. Any person, firm, corporation or other entity, whether municipal or otherwise, discharging sewage into the village disposal system facilities.
   USER CHARGE. A charge levied on users of wastewater disposal system facilities for the cost of operation and maintenance and replacement of such facilities.
   USER CLASS. Refers to one of the following: residential user; commercial user; industrial user; institutional user; and/or governmental user.
   VILLAGE. The Village of Calumet, Houghton County, Michigan.
   WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM. Any facility, appurtenant structures or arrangement of devices used for the treatment of sewage, and includes the sewer system and any private disposal systems improved by federal funds obtained through the village.
(Ord. 129, passed 5-19-1992)