(A)   (1)   It shall be unlawful to discharge wastewater without approval from the village, the Western Upper Peninsula District Health Department (WUPDHD) or the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
      (2)   Wastewater discharges to wastewater facilities within the service area of the village are not authorized unless approved by the village in accordance with provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   Wastewater discharges to the wastewater disposal system shall meet the limitations imposed in §§ 51.075 through 51.079.
   (C)   Wastewater discharges of a non-sanitary nature, such as automobile washwater from a gasoline station or service garage must be collected and treated in a manner consistent with DNR rules and regulations and the BOCA Building Code.
   (D)   No person shall connect roof, foundation, seepage, areaway, parking lot, roadway or other surface runoff or groundwater drains to any sanitary sewer or on-site septic system unless such connection is authorized in writing by the village. The roof, foundation, areaway, parking lot, roadway or other surface runoff or groundwater drains shall discharge to natural outlets or storm sewers.
(Ord. 130, passed 5-19-1992) Penalty, see § 51.999