(A)   Special land use application requirements. An application for special land use permit approval shall include a complete site plan review satisfying all the standards in §§ 153.205 through 153.212.
   (B)   Special land use application review procedures. The procedures for a special land use permit application review shall follow those for a site plan review in §§ 153.205 through 153.212 with the following modifications:
      (1)   Planning Commission review. The Planning Commission shall:
         (a)   1.   Review the application to determine if it satisfies the standards for special land uses, and all other applicable standards of this chapter.
            2.   Administrative review shall not be an option for special land use permit applications;
         (b)   Hold a public hearing to consider the proposed special land use consistent with the procedures for a public hearing in § 153.309; and
         (c)   The Planning Commission shall submit a finding of fact and make a recommendation to the Village Council to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the special land use permit.
      (2)   Village Council review. The Village Council shall:
         (a)   Review the application to determine if it satisfies the standards for special land uses, and all other applicable standards of this chapter, and Planning Commission’s recommendation;
         (b)   Determine whether to hold an additional public hearing at their discretion or refer the application back to the Planning Commission for further consideration; and
         (c)   Make a determination to approve, approve with conditions or deny the application. Any decision made shall include the adoption of a finding of facts to support the Village Council’s decision.
(Ord. 160, passed 4-21-2022)