(A)   (1)   Wireless communication equipment (but not a wireless communication support structure) is permitted use and allowed in all zoning districts.
      (2)   Wireless communication equipment does not have to be related to the principal use of the site.
   (B)   Wireless communications equipment is not subject to zoning review and approval if all the following requirements are met pursuant of Act 365.
      (1)   The wireless communications equipment will be colocated on an existing wireless communications support structure or in an existing equipment compound.
      (2)   The existing wireless communications support structure or existing equipment compound is in compliance with this subchapter or was approved by the appropriate zoning body or official for the village.
      (3)   The proposed colocation shall be subject to the site plan review process as prescribed in §§ 153.205 through 153.212 and this section if it meets one of the following standards:
         (a)   Increase the overall height of the wireless communications support structure by more than 20 feet or 10% of its original height, whichever is greater.
         (b)   Increase the width of the wireless communications support structure by more than the minimum necessary to permit colocation.
         (c)   Increase the area of the existing equipment compound to greater than 2,500 square feet.
      (4)   The proposed colocation complies with the terms and conditions of any previous final approval of the wireless communications support structure or equipment compound by the appropriate zoning body or official of the village.
      (5)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, wireless communications equipment otherwise exempt must still comply with all other applicable codes, standards and ordinances, including a requirement that the County Building Department determines that the colocation will not adversely impact the structure to which it is attached.
      (6)   Any equipment placed in a residential district shall not be erected at a height that requires lighting.
      (G)   Wireless communications equipment that is not attached to an existing structure or becomes unattached due to abandonment, removal or relocation of an existing structure (thus requiring the installation of a new wireless communications support structure) is subject to site plan review consistent with this subchapter.
(Ord. 160, passed 4-21-2022)