Small cell wireless facility siting is a permitted use in the ROW in all zoning districts and not subject to zoning regulation if it complies with the following requirements.
   (A)   The small cell wireless facility will be colocated on an existing utility pole, wireless communications support structure or wireless communication equipment.
   (B)   The proposed colocation shall comply with the following.
      (1)   Not exceed 40 feet or increase the overall height of the wireless communication support structure by more than five feet above a utility pole or wireless support structure on which the small cell wireless facility is colocated.
      (2)   A wireless provider shall comply with design and/or concealment requirements in a commercial zoning district so that the equipment and small cell wireless facility is compatible with the character of its surroundings.
      (3)   The size is not to exceed the definition of small cell wireless facility as an enclosure of six cubic feet and associated equipment cumulatively is no more than 25 cubic feet in volume, per Act 365.
      (4)   Enclosure must contain all parts of the equipment and parts of the small cell wireless facility must be a neutral and uniform color, and made of a material that does not conflict with the aesthetics of its surroundings
      (5)   A colocation in a public ROW shall not inhibit other utility installations.
      (6)   Small cell wireless facilities shall not be permitted on any building that is on the National Register of Historic Places pursuant of 47 C.F.R § 1.1307(a)(4).
(Ord. 160, passed 4-21-2022)