§ 153.039 FENCES.
   All fences shall:
   (A)   Be no taller than six feet in the side or rear yards in residential districts;
   (B)   Be no taller than four feet in the front yard in residential districts;
   (C)   Only be permitted in the side and rear yards of nonresidential districts at a maximum height of six feet except as specifically required at a greater height in this chapter;
   (D)   Height shall be measured from the average finished grade between two fence posts and the top of the fence between said posts;
   (E)   Be wholly on the property they are intended to serve;
   (F)   Be no closer than three feet to an abutting alley;
   (G)   Have the finished side of the fence facing outward away from the property; and
   (H)   Be made of safe, durable materials. Fences shall not be made of or include barbed wire, razor wire, electrified materials or any other dangerous material. Such material may be allowed in the industrial districts upon approval by the Planning Commission. The use of pallets, slabwood, chicken wire or other material not intended for fencing shall be prohibited.
(Ord. 160, passed 4-21-2022)