(A) The Village Manager shall act as purchasing agent for all village offices and departments. The Manager, with the approval of the Village Council, may delegate some or all of these duties as purchasing agent to another officer or employee, provided that such delegation shall not relieve the Manager of the responsibility for the proper conduct of those duties.
(B) The Village Manager shall in any event have the authority to purchase any product or service if such purchase is in accordance with purchasing policies established by the Village Council.
(C) The Village Manager shall have the authority to purchase any product or service the cost of which does not exceed an amount to be set from time to time by resolution adopted by the Village Council, provided that funds have been appropriated. The cost of the product or service shall not exceed the unencumbered balance of the appropriation for that account. Any product or service the cost of which exceeds the above dollar amount shall be purchased only if prior approval of the Village Council has been obtained. The Village Manager may promulgate rules governing the purchase of products or services.
(D) The Village Manager shall have the authority to purchase any product or service regardless of its cost when such purchase is necessitated by an emergency condition. EMERGENCY CONDITION is defined to mean any event which presents an imminent threat to the public health or safety, or any event which would result in the disruption of a village service which is essential to the public health or safety.
(Ord. 154, passed 10-15-2019)