The downtown district which is subject to the jurisdiction of the Downtown Development Authority shall encompass or lie within the following geographic area:
(A) Block 10, Lots 9 and 10;
(B) Block 11, Lots 9 and 10;
(C) Block 18, Lots 9 and 10;
(D) Block 23, the east 80 feet of Lot 9 and all of Lot 10;
(E) Lots A, B, C and D, fronting Pine Street from the easterly village limits to Fifth Street, also Lots 1 through 11, and the 86-foot by 58-foot parcels of land adjacent to Lots 2 through 11 and east thereof, all being a part of Block E;
(F) Lots A and 1 through 15 and the south one-half of Lot 16 of Block 19;
(G) All of Block 20;
(H) All of Block F;
(I) All of Block A;
(J) All of Block G;
(K) All of Block I;
(L) All of Block H;
(M) All of Block B;
(N) Lots 1 through 5 and 9 and 10, Block K; Lots 3 and 4, Block C; Lot 10, Block 32;
(O) Lots 1 through 10, 11 and 12, and 16 through 20, in Block 21;
(P) Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and the south 36 feet of Lot 14, Block 22;
(Q) The east 78 feet of Lot 10, Block 31;
(R) The south one-half of Lot 20, Block 19 on Sixth Street;
(S) Three parcels of property bounded by Scott Street, Fourth Street, Red Jacket Road and Fifth Street, said parcels being 146 feet in the east-west dimension and 60 feet, 90 feet and 112.14 feet respectively along Fourth Street; and
(T) All that property abutting the east side of Fourth Street from Elm Street to Red Jacket Road, said property along Fourth Street being bounded by the easterly village limits typically, and being described as follows: commencing at the NW corner of Block F, thence 240 feet east to the point of beginning, thence east 1,004.51 feet, thence S 00°-08’
(Ord. 110, passed 6-21-1979; Res. 110, passed 12-8-1983; Ord. 122, passed 12-30-1983)