§ 119.99  PENALTY.
   (A)    Unless otherwise specified in this section, any violation of §§ 119.01 through 119.11 may result in revocation of the residential rental license and a possible fine pursuant to § 10.99. Each day that a violation exists shall be a separate offense. Each violation in each dwelling unit in a multi-unit structure which is in violation of those sections shall be a separate and distinct violation.
      (2)   Proceedings to enforce violations of §§ 119.01 through 119.11 may be initiated and conducted in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance 01-764 or by any other means provided by law.
   (B)   Unless otherwise provided for, a violation of §§ 119.25 through 119.36 is declared unlawful and will be punished pursuant to § 10.99.
(Ord. 16-1139, passed 1-14-2016; Ord. 18-1207, passed 9-13-2018; Ord. 20-1236, passed 5-28-2020)