Each mobile home park licensed or to be constructed or altered under the provisions of this chapter shall be constructed, altered, operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements of this section.
   (A)   Any mobile home erected on a site within the village after the effective date of this chapter shall be at least 14 feet or more in width and at least 60 feet or more in length.
   (B)   All licenses and permits to construct, alter and operate the mobile home park shall be prominently displayed in the mobile home park office.
   (C)   Every mobile home park shall be in the charge of one or more responsible attendant(s) or caretaker(s) whose name(s), addresses and telephone number(s) shall be on file at all times with the village. No person shall be an attendant or caretaker or any such mobile home park if he or she has been convicted of a felony, Class A misdemeanor or an offense which if committed in Illinois would be considered a felony or Class A misdemeanor. Each person seeking to be such an attendant or caretaker shall submit to the village such information as is reasonably necessary for the village to determine that such person has not been convicted of a felony, Class A misdemeanor or similar offense. This information shall be submitted to the village before such person becomes such an attendant or caretaker and thereafter, each year at the time the mobile home park for which the attendant or caretaker is employed makes its application for an annual license. The attendant(s) or caretaker(s) duties shall include, without limitation in any manner whatsoever, responding to lawful directions from Village representatives which concern the mobile home park, responding to the reasonable needs of mobile home park residents and maintaining the mobile home park, its facilities and equipment in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition. Each such mobile home park which has ten; or more mobile homes or has mobile homes occupying 25% or more of the sites legally available for mobile homes in such mobile home park (whichever is less) shall cause and employ such an attendant or caretaker to be resident and present at all times in a mobile home or other residential facility located within the mobile home park and that mobile home or other residential facility shall serve as the mobile home park's office.
   (D)   No mobile home park shall be located such that the drainage of the mobile home park area will endanger any water supply. All mobile home parks shall be well drained. No waste water shall be deposited on the surface of the ground within the mobile home park.
   (E)   Each site on which a mobile home is located shall have a minimum area of 2,500 square feet, except that sites existing in mobile home parks which are occupied with a mobile home on the effective date of this chapter shall be exempt from this requirement only for so long as the mobile home which occupies that space on the date of this chapter continues to occupy that space.
   (F)   No mobile home shall be located closer than five feet to the side lot lines of a mobile home park, or closer than ten feet to a public street, alley or building. Each individual site shall abut or face on a private or public driveway or roadway of not less than 24 feet in width, which driveway or roadway shall have unobstructed access to a public highway or alley. There shall be an open space of at least ten feet adjacent to the sides of every mobile home and at least five feet adjacent to the ends of every mobile home for mobile homes placed on a site prior to the effective date of this chapter. For mobile homes placed on a site after the effective date of this chapter, no portion of a mobile home, excluding the tongue, shall be closer than ten feet side to side, eight feet end to side, and six feet end to end horizontally from any other mobile home or community building. Compliance with the requirements of this division shall be adhered to whenever an owner of a mobile home community enlarges or expands a concrete pad used to support a mobile home, installs a new mobile home, or replaces an existing mobile home on or after the effective date of this chapter.
   (G)   For new mobile home parks constructed and licensed after the effective date of this chapter and for all alterations of mobile home parks after the effective date of this chapter, no mobile home shall be located closer than ten feet to a private street.
   (H)   An adequate supply of water of safe, sanitary quality, approved by the village shall be furnished at each mobile home park. Each site shall be provided with a cold water tap located in accordance with regulations of the village.
   (I)   All sewage and other water carried wastes shall be disposed of into a municipal sewerage system.
   (J)   It shall be the duty of the owner or operator of any mobile home park to provide an approved type of water and odor tight connection from each mobile home's water drainage to the sewer connection, and it shall be the duty of the owner or operator to make the connection and keep all occupied mobile homes connected to the sewer while located in the mobile home park. Sewer connections in unoccupied sites shall be closed such that they will emit no odors or cause a breeding place for flies. No water or waste shall be allowed to fall on the ground from a mobile home.
   (K)   A sufficient number of adequate vermin, pest resistant and watertight containers shall be supplied for the storage of garbage. Grass, trees and shrubbery shall be maintained in a safe, sanitary and attractive condition, which creates neither a nuisance nor menace to public health. Garbage containers shall be emptied at least once a week and shall not be filled to overflowing, or allowed to become foul smelling or a breeding place for insects. Garbage and rubbish shall be disposed of in a manner which creates neither a nuisance nor a menace to health and which is approved by the village.
   (L)   Adequate insect and rodent control measures shall be employed. All buildings shall be vermin and pest resistant and rodent harborages shall not be permitted to exist in the mobile home park or pathways.
   (M)   All mobile homes shall each be equipped by the tenant with fire extinguishers in working order. The type and location of each extinguisher shall be determined by the village's Fire Chief in accordance with customary standards. Additionally, a smoke detector and a carbon monoxide detector, in working order, shall be installed by the tenant in each bedroom in the mobile home, in accordance with customary standards approved by the village's Fire Chief. The space under mobile homes and accessory buildings and structures shall not be used for the storage of combustible materials or for the storage or placement of flammable liquids, gases or liquid or gas fuel-powered equipment.
   (N)   If a mobile home park has fire hydrants within its property, the fire hydrant valves shall be tested annually and the flow rates documented by the village. The licensee shall be required to correct any deficiencies determined as a result of the tests within such reasonable time as determined by the village's Fire Chief.
   (O)   The residents of the mobile home park shall be advised in a writing of any deficiency in any fire hydrant located within the mobile home park, with such writing being left with the resident, or in the absence of the resident from the mobile home park at the time the notice is being given, then securely fastened to a prominent place on the resident's mobile home, by the licensee within 24 hours of the time when that licensee becomes aware of that deficiency. The location of the deficient fire hydrant or hydrants shall be specified in that writing along with a plan to correct the situation and an anticipated date for completion. A copy of the notification shall be provided to the village at the same time it is provided to the residents.
   (P)   All new mobile home parks created or altered after the effective date of this chapter, must be provided with fire hydrants at least every 350 feet of any structure. At a minimum, the hydrants within the mobile home park must be linked to a six-inch water main that generates 1,000 to 1,500 gallons per minute, with a static pressure of 35 psi.
   (Q)   Within five years after the adoption of this chapter, all mobile home parks must implement one of the following fire protection systems:
      (1)   Manufactured home community based system, connected to the village's fire prevention systems, with fire hydrants at least every 350 feet of any structure. At a minimum, the hydrants within the mobile home park must be connected to a six-inch water main that generates 1,000 to 1,500 gallons per minute, with a static pressure of 35 psi; or
      (2)   An adequate and reliable water supply system that meets fire mitigation needs, that has been approved by the village in consultation with the local fire protection district. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
         (a)   A mobile home park based system, connected to the local water distribution system, with fire hydrants strategically placed. At a minimum, the hydrants within the system must be connected to a six-inch water main that generates 1,000 to 1,500 gallons per minute, with a static pressure of 35 psi; and
         (b)   An onsite water reservoir.
   (R)   Temporary porches, canvas-roofed canopies and skirts may be permitted for mobile homes and auxiliary rooms if in compliance with applicable local fire safety and building codes.
   (S)   Manufactured home accessory buildings or structures constructed after the effective date of this chapter may be located immediately adjacent to a site's lot line when constructed entirely of non combustionable materials, provided that the buildings or structures are at least three feet from an accessory building or structure on an adjacent site. Accessory buildings and structures constructed before the effective date of this chapter shall be permitted, the structures to be permitted as nonconforming.
   (T)   (1)   All streets and driveways in every mobile home park must be paved with asphalt or similar material and maintained in a passable and reasonably dust-proof condition at all times.
      (2)   Without limiting the foregoing in any manner whatsoever, no street and/or driveway established, constructed or otherwise created on or after the effective date of this chapter in any mobile home park shall be raised and lowered in a manner intended to slow traffic through the use of a device commonly known as a speed bump or any similar device.
      (3)   Without limiting the foregoing in any manner whatsoever, any such speed bump or similar device existing in any mobile home park on the effective date of this chapter shall be removed within one year of the effective date of this chapter.
      (4)   All streets and driveways in every mobile home park, except those streets and driveways in existence on the effective date of this chapter or as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall have a minimum width of 24 feet.
   (U)   There shall be a sidewalk for public use erected in front of every mobile home erected on and after the effective date of this chapter. The sidewalk shall be at least 30 inches wide and shall be connected to other sidewalks in the mobile home park in a manner approved by the village based upon similarities to the configuration of other sidewalks in the village.
   (V)   The owner of every mobile home park shall assume full responsibility for maintaining in good repair and condition all sanitary, electrical and safety appliances in the park.
   (W)   Electrical outlets for each individual site shall be provided and the installation shall be in accordance with all applicable legal requirements.
   (X)   In no event shall a dependent mobile home, or non-permanent shelter or other vehicle designed or used for sleeping purposes, other than an independent mobile home, be permitted for occupancy at any time in a mobile home park.
   (Y)   (1)   The owner of every mobile home park shall maintain accurate records of the owners and occupants of each mobile home within such mobile home park.
      (2)   The owner of every mobile home park shall provide the village with written notice of any change in the ownership and/or occupancy of any mobile home with such mobile home park within 24 hours after any employee or representative of the mobile home park has reasonable knowledge of the intent to make such a change.
(Ord. 05-899, passed 11-22-2005)