(A)   Application for license required by this subchapter shall be made upon forms provided by the Village Clerk, shall be signed and verified under oath by the applicant, if an individual, and by the duly authorized agent, if a partnership or corporation, and shall set forth the following:
      (1)   If a person, the name and address of the applicant;
      (2)   If a partnership, the name, residence and business address of each partner;
      (3)   If a corporation, the name, date and state under whose laws such corporation was organized and the names of the principal officers, directors and local representatives, their residences and business addressed;
      (4)   The names and residences of all salesmen who will be operating under the license applied for;
      (5)   Principal place of business of the applicant;
      (6)   Location or place of business for which the license is sought;
      (7)   The date and number of the State of Illinois real estate broker's license;
      (8)   The experience the applicant has had in the real estate broker's business; and
      (9)   The place or places and the time that applicant has been engaged in the real estate broker's business.
   (B)   No such license shall be issued to any person who is not of good character, and it shall be the duty of the Village Clerk to make, or cause to be made an investigation into the character of each such applicant. Each such licensed real estate broker shall maintain a definite office or place of business within the Village of Calumet Park for the transaction of real estate business so conspicuously displayed with an identification sign on the oil side of the office of adequate size and visibility and shall conspicuously display his or her certificate in his or her office or place of business and also the certificate of all real estate salespersons employed by him or her. The office or place of business shall not be located in any retail sales establishment, unless separated from the retail business as a separate and distinct area within the establishment.
   (C)   Notice shall be given to the Village Clerk by any registrant of any change of address and application shall be ended for issuance of a corrected certificate. A change of business location without notice to the Village Clerk and without issuance by him or her of a new certificate shall automatically cancel the certificate theretofore issued.
(Ord. 75-210, passed 5-22-1975)