§ 90.63  TREES.
   (A)   All trees within the Village of Calumet Park between the pavement and the sidewalk in parkways, heretofore dedicated, are hereby declared to be community trees of the Village of Calumet Park and all trees located in or upon any property owned by the Village of Calumet Park, and within its corporate limits are hereby declared to be community trees.
   (B)   No person shall cut, injure, mark or deface any community tree within the Village of Calumet Park. No person shall cut down any community tree within the Village of Calumet Park without first obtaining permission to do so from the Board of Trustees.
   (C)   It shall be the duty of the owner of property to cut down all dead and diseased trees upon his or her property. If the Street and Alley Committee of the Board of Trustees finds that a dead tree is upon private property, or that a diseased tree is upon private property, the Street and Alley Committee of the Board of Trustees shall notify the owner in writing to cut down and remove the dead or diseased tree, as the case may be. The owner shall, within 30 days after the notification, cut down and haul away the dead or diseased trees. Failure on the part of the owner to remove the dead or diseased tree within the 30 days shall be subject to the penalties as provided in § 90.99, and each day over the thirtieth day shall be a separate violation.
   (D)   The Street and Alley Committee of the Board of Trustees shall have authority, if it finds any dead or diseased tree upon private property, to order the owner to immediately cut down and haul away the dead or diseased tree. If the Street and Alley Committee of the Board of Trustees is of the opinion that any dead tree might be blown down and in so doing could be dangerous to life or cause damage to property, or, in the case of a diseased tree, that the diseased tree might cause other trees in the neighborhood, and especially community trees, to become diseased and that the owner of the property upon which the dead or diseased tree refused to immediately comply with its instructions to cut down and haul away the dead or diseased tree, or that the owner could not be found so as to personally receive the notice to tear down the dead or diseased tree, then the Street and Alley Committee of the Board of Trustees, in the interests of public health and safety and in order to prevent injury or loss of life, to prevent the spread of disease, may order the village employees to cut down and haul away the dead or diseased tree. The cost of cutting down and hauling away the dead or diseased tree shall be paid for by the owner of property, and shall be a lien on the property in favor of the village until paid, and the village may enforce the collection of the lien in accordance with the statutes made and provided.
   (E)   The service of notices as provided in this section shall be upon the owner, if he or she resides upon the premises in question, but notices given to any adult person in charge of the premises shall be considered notice to the owner. Where ownership is held jointly, notice to one of the joint owners shall be notice to all joint owners.
(Ord. 1960-0914, passed 9-14-1960)  Penalty, see § 90.99