(A)   Whenever two-thirds of the Corporate Authority of the Village of Calumet Park then holding office have determined by motion, resolution or ordinance that any personal property owned by the village, not exceeding a value of $10,000 is no longer necessary or useful to the village in its operations, the personal property may be sold or disposed of in any one of the following manners:
      (1)   By public sale with or without advertising for the sale to the person or persons offering the highest bid price for any such item of personal property;
      (2)   By private sale with or without advertising for the sale to the person or persons offering the highest bid price for any such item of personal property;
      (3)   By sale to any unit of government for the sums of money as best serve the interests of the Village of Calumet Park;
      (4)   By converting the personal property into some other form of property that is useful to the Village of Calumet Park;
      (5)   By trading in the personal property as part payment for the purchase price of any other personal property useful to the Village of Calumet Park;
      (6)   By trading the personal property to another unit of government for any item of property owned by the unit of government which is useful to the Village of Calumet Park; or
      (7)   By gift to any unit of government.
   (B)   The Mayor of the Village of Calumet Park is hereby designated as the person to carry out the provisions of this section relative to the disposition of personal property when the disposition has been authorized by the Corporate Authority of the Village of Calumet Park in the manner provided for in this section.
(Ord. 80-325, passed 4-10-1980)