(A)   Temporary signs. The following temporary signs permitted in residential districts:
      (1)   A sign pertaining to the lease or sale of a building or property, provided it does not exceed 12 square feet in surface area, and is not illuminated.
      (2)   Temporary signs identifying an engineer, architect, contractor or product engaged in or used in the construction of a building; provided they do not exceed 12 square feet each in surface area, except where a larger dimensioned sign is required by state or federal regulations; are no more
than 15 feet in height or less than two feet above the ground; and are removed prior to occupancy of the building.
         (a)   Such signs may be placed in any front yard, but in no case shall they be placed in any side yard.
         (b)   Such signs shall not be illuminated.
(Ord. 17150-1, passed 12-8-2009)
18F   Minnesota Basic Code - Callaway Local Legislation