(A)   Business and advertising signs. Business signs and advertising signs that are permitted by the Zoning Ordinance are subject to the following regulations:
      (1)   Business signs are considered an accessory for all businesses, other than home occupations or other businesses permitted in residential districts.
      (2)   No business sign shall be permitted within 30 feet of any property line that abuts an adjoining residential district.
      (3)   No freestanding sign shall be located within a 25-foot sight triangle at street intersections, unless the bottom of any sign is at least nine feet above grade.
      (4)   The total surface area of all signs on a lot shall not exceed the sum of two square feet per lineal foot of lot frontage, or 15% of the building facing area, or 75 square feet in area, whichever is greater; nor shall two or more smaller signs be so arranged and integrated as to create a surface area in excess of these limitations.
         (a)   In the case of corner lots, such signs may be on both street sides of the building facing; however, the least width of a corner lot shall be the front for purposes of this subchapter.
18D   Minnesota Basic Code - Callaway Local Legislation 
         (b)   Such signs may be illuminated.
      (5)   Business signs.
         (a)   Business signs may be placed on the roof of a covered walk or marquee of a building; provided they do not:
            1.   Extend above the roof or parapet line of the building; or
            2.   Exceed the area maximum set forth for this district.
         (b)   Business signs may be hanging below such covered walk or marquee, provided they:
            1.   Are at least eight feet from the walk or ground grade line;
            2.   Do not exceed six square feet in surface area; and
            3.   Are at least two feet inside all curb lines.
      (6)   Any freestanding advertising sign face shall not exceed 15 feet in total length, nor ten feet in height, nor 150 square feet in total area.
      (7)   Any freestanding business sign face shall not exceed 15 feet in total length, nor ten feet in height, nor 150 square feet in total area.
      (8)   No sign shall project higher than 32 feet above average grade at the base of the sign.
      (9)   The base of all freestanding signs shall be screened with suitable plantings.
      (10)   Advertising signs are allowed only in the following districts:
         (a)   C-l Business District.
         (b)   C-2 Light Industry District.
   (B)   Portable signs. Portable signs are allowed on a temporary basis, provided:
      (1)   The sign not exceed 54 square feet per side, except that inflatable signs used for promotions may exceed this square foot limitation;
      (2)   A sign permit is issued;
      (3)   The sign is not located in the public right-a-way; all signs must be placed on private property.
      (4)   The sign may be illuminated, but shall not contain any strobe or rotating lights;
      (5)   Only two portable signs shall be allowed per lot of record or business;
      (6)   No more than two permits per lot of record or business shall be granted during any calendar year;
      (7)   Each sign permit shall be valid for no more than 60 days;
      (8)   Permits will not be renewed for signs that are not maintained as required in § 17150.07(B)) below; and
      (9)   Temporary signs shall be removed when the permit expires.
      (10)   Inflatable signs and balloon signs shall not require a permit unless they are for a period of more than ten days.
(Ord. 17150-1, passed 12-8-2009)